Determination of Commissioners, President Director and Telkomsel Network Director

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom Indonesia) and Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (Singtel) as shareholders of PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) have appointed Sarwoto Atmosutarno as Commissioner replace Nanang Pamuji Mugasejati effective from 30 November 2023. Then, lift Nugroho as President director replace Hendri Mulya Syamand lifted Indra Mardiatna as Network Director replace Nugrohowhere this decision is effective from 8 December 2023.

Thus, for the arrangement Telkomsel Commissioner Currently in full as follows:

  • The main commissioner : Wishnutama Kusubandio
  • Commissioner : Heri Supriadi
  • Commissioner : Yose Rizal
  • Commissioner : Sarwoto Atmosutarno
  • Commissioner : Yuen Kuan Moon

Viral Again, Teltlk Has 18 Million Pi Network Coins in Wallet

Jakarta, – The Pi Network digital currency went viral with users owning 18 million Pi Network coins.

This news was conveyed by many Pioneers through posts on social media such as Facebook and Twitter (platform X).

According to circulating claims, Teltlk managed to gain up to 18 million Pi Network coins in their wallet.

This fantastic number is also known as the owner of the wallet with the largest balance so far.

“Teltlk has announced holdings of over 18 million PiCoins, leading all PiNetwork Mainnet wallets,” wrote the @cryptoleakvn account on the X platform.

Pi Network logo on phone

Distribution of 5G core to network edge

Distributing Core Functions in 5G networks

The evolution of communications technology has brought us to the era of 5G networks, promising faster speeds, lower latency, and the ability to connect billions of devices simultaneously. However, to achieve these ambitious goals, the architecture of 5G networks needs to be more flexible, scalable, and efficient than ever before. With the advent of CUPS, or Control and User Plane Separation, in later LTE releases, the telecommunications industry had high expectations for a prototypical distributed control-user plane architecture. This development was seen as a stepping stone towards the more advanced 5G networks that were

Grab strengthens synergy with drivers in Surabaya

SURABAYA (IndoTelko) – Grab is holding a corporate social responsibility program for hundreds of city transport drivers in Surabaya which was held on the initiative and in collaboration with the East Java Provincial Government. The handover of the aid was witnessed directly by the Governor of East Java Dr.H. Soekarwo at the Inauguration of Special Rental Transport Operations and the Launch of the Application for Registration of Special Rental Transport Driver Partners in East Java at the Grahadi Building, Surabaya. “Since the beginning of Grab’s operations in Indonesia, we have always prioritized collaboration and synergy with transportation service providers who

Reasons why Solo is included in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network

Surakarta or Solo City, Central Java is famous as the center of Javanese culture which is still well preserved today. Parekraf friends can find many interesting things related to culture when traveling to Solo City. Starting from batik cloth with its flagship motifs: Parang Kusumo and Truntum, to cultural centers that still preserve traditions passed down from generation to generation.

This attraction is what finally succeeded in bringing Solo into one of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network lists. ​Quoting from the page en.unesco.orgthe UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) was formed in 2004 to promote cooperation between cities that places

Nicolas Kokkalis’ Latest Viral Statement Regarding the Open Mainnet Pi Network

Jakarta, – Dr Nicolas Kokkalis, founder of the Pi Network project, recently provided a statement regarding the Mainnet launch.

Although the original source is not yet known, Kokkalis’ statement is said to have been present during a question and answer session with the Pioneers on the project chat platform.

In the discussion, Kokkalis answered several questions that were relevant to the Pi Network community, including the open mainnet schedule.

The first question asked was regarding the exact date of the Pi Mainnet launch.

Kokkalis provided this highly anticipated answer by revealing that the official launch date will be announced

Apart from being confident, the network is also the main business capital for Fransiscus Go

POS-KUPANG.COM Reporter Report, Michaella Uzurasi

POS-KUPANG.COM, KUPANG – The figure of Fransiscus Go, who has been around the business world for approximately 20 years, shares his experiences in the Pos Kupang Podcast, Wednesday, 08/05/2024.

For him, apart from self-confidence, another important thing that an entrepreneur must prepare is a network.

It looks like Fransiscus Go’s journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur today, here is a clip from an exclusive interview with the host of Online Pos Kupang Manager, Alfons Nedabang.

Mr. Frans, what special mission did you arrive at in Kupang today?

The main and only aim was to attend

Monitoring and Gathering Faith to Action Network Held for the First Time in Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi KLIKMU CO- Monitoring and Gathering Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah regional Banyuwangi was held for the first time Wednesday, May 8 2024. As the opening of the event, the Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah attraction, the garuda dance and the gandrung dance were performed. The Garuda dance was created to show unity and oneness between various ethnic groups in Indonesia. Meanwhile, gandrung is an icon of Banyuwangi arts and culture which teaches about togetherness, mutual cooperation and unity in life.

The activity, which took place in the ballroom of the SMK Muhammadiyah 8 Siliragung Hotel, was attended by the Faith