Determination of Commissioners, President Director and Telkomsel Network Director

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom Indonesia) and Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (Singtel) as shareholders of PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) have appointed Sarwoto Atmosutarno as Commissioner replace Nanang Pamuji Mugasejati effective from 30 November 2023. Then, lift Nugroho as President director replace Hendri Mulya Syamand lifted Indra Mardiatna as Network Director replace Nugrohowhere this decision is effective from 8 December 2023.

Thus, for the arrangement Telkomsel Commissioner Currently in full as follows:

  • The main commissioner : Wishnutama Kusubandio
  • Commissioner : Heri Supriadi
  • Commissioner : Yose Rizal
  • Commissioner : Sarwoto Atmosutarno
  • Commissioner : Yuen Kuan Moon

Viral Again, Teltlk Has 18 Million Pi Network Coins in Wallet

Jakarta, – The Pi Network digital currency went viral with users owning 18 million Pi Network coins.

This news was conveyed by many Pioneers through posts on social media such as Facebook and Twitter (platform X).

According to circulating claims, Teltlk managed to gain up to 18 million Pi Network coins in their wallet.

This fantastic number is also known as the owner of the wallet with the largest balance so far.

“Teltlk has announced holdings of over 18 million PiCoins, leading all PiNetwork Mainnet wallets,” wrote the @cryptoleakvn account on the X platform.

Pi Network logo on phone

Kanigoro Network Survey Results, Regional Police Chief Perched at the Top

SOLO, – Central Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, based on survey results, is at the top of the list as a potential candidate for Governor of Central Java.

According to the founder of Kanigoro Network, Joko Kanigoro, this was based on the fact that the Central Java Regional Police Chief had been proven in mastering problems and had expertise in the territorial field.

In a survey simulation conducted by Kanigoro Network, Ahmad Luthfi was in first place with an electability of 25.1 percent, followed by Hendrar Prihadi at 23.8 percent and third place Sudaryono at 13.7