Monitoring and Gathering Faith to Action Network Held for the First Time in Banyuwangi

Banyuwangi KLIKMU CO- Monitoring and Gathering Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah regional Banyuwangi was held for the first time Wednesday, May 8 2024. As the opening of the event, the Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah attraction, the garuda dance and the gandrung dance were performed. The Garuda dance was created to show unity and oneness between various ethnic groups in Indonesia. Meanwhile, gandrung is an icon of Banyuwangi arts and culture which teaches about togetherness, mutual cooperation and unity in life.
The activity, which took place in the ballroom of the SMK Muhammadiyah 8 Siliragung Hotel, was attended by the Faith to Action Network team in Kenya, namely Farida Abdulbasit, Irene Bwari, and Erick Oloo, whose aim was to learn how to process waste with interfaith youth and students in Banyuwangi. “SMK Muhammadiyah 8 Siliragung is very grateful and happy to have been chosen to be part of Eco Bhinneka. “It really helped me to implement environmental conservation programs and harmony between students across religions.” Said Muhlas Efendi, Head of SMK Muhammadiyah 8 Siliragung.
This activity was attended by interfaith students, groups of environmental activist students, teachers and interfaith youth with a total of 50 participants. However, the visit of the Faith to Action Network from Kenya was of particular interest to the participants. Various snacks and fruit, as well as drinks with an environmentally friendly concept were part of the menu at this event.

With this gathering, Eco Bhinneka in Banyuwangi on the initiative of JISRA (Joint Initiative for Religious Action) and Muhammadiyah will become an example and inspiration for harmony and environmental programs at the Faith to Action Network in Kenya. Mukhlis Lahuddin, Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Banyuwangi Regional Leadership, explained that realizing Eco Bhinneka will take a long time. We must unite in our differences in beliefs, character, education, even economic class. It took Indonesia 78 years to reach today and still needs an explanation of “Bhineka” itself. Because time, generations and circumstances change continuously. Eco Bhinneka invites people to care about the environment and society.
Windarti, regional manager of Eco Bhinneka introduced Among (Youth of Eco Bhinneka Blambangan) which is an interfaith youth community initiated by Eco Bhinneka and was inaugurated on Saturday, December 29 2023. He also explained that Muhammadiyah 8 Siliragung Vocational School is a school supported by Eco Bhinneka. “Young people who are involved in Among need to be appreciated because apart from having personal activities, they can spend time on humanitarian, togetherness and caring activities,” said Mukhlis Lahuddin. He is ready to follow, see and report on this activity. He also hopes that Eco Bhinneka cannot be separated from historical writings that in 2022-2025 there will be a community activity called Eco Bhinneka and it will be successful in Blambangan.
Farida Abdulbasit, program manager of Faith to Action Network, in her speech appreciated friends who had displayed Banyuwangi arts and programs that had been implemented by Eco Bhinneka Banyuwangi. “The Eco Bhinneka team led by Windarti has good confidence. I was very amazed by the natural charm of Banyuwangi. “Banyuwangi is a pilot project for Eco Bhinneka in other areas,” he said. (Maydini/Winda)