Notre Dame’s wide-ranging Irish studies programming to expand | News | Notre Dame News

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When the University of Notre Dame established an institute for Irish studies in 1992, the general reaction was, “Wait, what, you don’t have one already?” It was, indeed, surprising that the home of the Fighting Irish — where 16 of the 17 presidents had an Irish ancestry — was lacking in scholarship related to Ireland for its first 150 years.

But with the creation of the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies, Notre Dame quickly became, in the words of the Chronicle of Higher Education, “the largest program outside of Ireland for teaching and research in Irish language, literature and life.”

Programming changes begin this weekend on MPR News

Update (Sept. 19, 2020): Some of the programming changes outlined below will be affected by today’s special coverage following the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Starting this weekend, MPR News is introducing a new weekend programming schedule that gives listeners more hours of live news and a refreshed lineup of public radio’s best weekly shows.

With so many important news stories converging this fall, we are renewing our emphasis on live news programming by extending Weekend Edition by one hour on both Saturdays and Sundays and adding an hour of BBC NewsHour on Saturdays right before All

Python Programming for Women Receives Inspiring Programs in STEM Award | News

Brock adaptive programming gets a boost from Niagara Community Foundation – The Brock News

When Supporting Neurodiversity through Adaptive Programming (SNAP) returns in person to Brock University this fall, the program will have been strengthened by support from the Niagara Community Foundation.

Welcoming roughly 1,400 participants per year, SNAP is a developmentally appropriate movement education-based, embedded curriculum that provides one-on-one instruction to individuals of all ages across a broad spectrum of disabilities and severity. The program teaches participants to provide greater care for themselves and be more physically independent.

Like many other on-campus operations, SNAP’s in-person programming was put on hold in spring 2020 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was the

Golisano College community takes on the International Collegiate Programming Contest

RIT students took on some of the most prestigious universities across the northeast US and Canada in a computer programming contest. Five RIT student teams competed in the 2023 International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Northeast North America Regional event.

RIT’s Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences is the headquarters of the ICPC Northeast North America Regional Contest.

This year, the regional contest was held on Feb. 25 with 84 teams from 19 universities located in New York, New England, Quebec, and Atlantic Canada. There were six in-person sites across the northeast, including one at RIT’s Golisano College.

For the