Court records show political pressure behind Fox programming

NEW YORK (AP) — In May 2018, the nation’s top Republicans needed help. So they called on the founder of Fox News, Rupert Murdoch.

President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell were trying to stop West Virginia Republicans from nominating Don Blankenship, who had been convicted of violating mine safety standards during a lethal accident in one of his coal mines, to challenge the state’s incumbent senator, Democrat Joe Manchin.

“Both Trump and McConnell are appealing for help to beat unelectable former mine owner who served time,” Murdoch wrote to executives at Fox News, according to court records

News | Programming announced for Canada Day – July 1

The Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) is pleased to share programming plans for Canada Day on Thursday, July 1.

Canada Day this year will see select, COVID-19 safe programming spread throughout Whistler. Whistler, originally known as Cwítima (Lil’wat) and Sk̲wik̲w (Squamish), is in the shared, unceded territory of the Lil’wat People and the Squamish People. The city recognizes that this July 1 will be a time to reflect on all of Canada’s municipal history, including its past and present truths about our relationship with Indigenous peoples.

Part of the programming includes 215 orange hearts that mark a path between the